With a background and Professional Designation in Human Resources, I can attest that mental and emotional health are the single largest cause of employee sick time. Corporate demands and the stress of balancing priorities in & out of the workplace can be debilitating and most employees have very few tools to counterbalance the effects of ongoing stress. 

When employees are under persistent stress without tools to manage it, companies see significant reductions in focus, safety & productivity, higher absenteeism & longer illnesses and diminished morale & engagement. 

As a leader, the stakes are even higher. Many leaders are working leaders, fulfilling tasks alongside their responsibilities for strategy, execution, productivity and effectiveness of teams, departments or entire organizations.

With a background and Professional Designation in Human Resources, I can attest that mental & emotional health are the single largest cause of employee sick time. 

Corporate demands and the stress of balancing priorities in & out of the workplace can be debilitating and
most employees have very few tools to counterbalance the effects of ongoing stress. 

When employees are under persistent stress without tools to manage it, companies see significant reductions in focus, safety & productivity, higher absenteeism & longer illnesses and diminished morale & engagement. 

As a leader, the stakes are even higher. Many leaders are working leaders, fulfilling tasks alongside their responsibilities for strategy, execution, productivity and effectiveness of teams, departments or entire organizations.

Employee Wellness Has a Profound Impact on Corporate Performance

it's no secret....

ARE YOU OR YOUR TEAM feeling overwhelmed by stress, struggling to find balance with work?

I have coached leaders and employees since 2006 and have more than 4 years coaching private clients as a mindfulness and somatic breathwork practitioner and coach.

I have coached leaders & employees since 2006 along with more than 4 years coaching private clients as a mental wellness and somatic breathwork coach.

Over 12 years in business-facing Human Resources positions; member of strategic leadership teams; advising leaders at all levels ~ including executives.

I bring over 20 years experience in corporate roles in addition to certifications as a life coach, mediator, NLP practitioner, Reiki Master, yoga & meditation teacher and trauma-informed Embodiment and Breathwork Coach.

I bring over 20 years experience in corporate roles in addition to certifications as a life coach, mediator and NLP practitioner.

Wouldn’t it be great to work with someone who gets where you’re coming from?

Their proficiency in doing so has significant impact on their ability to perform at their best, and research shows the
correlation between resilient mental wellness and high performance. Leaders with well-regulated nervous systems are better equipped to sustain energy and endurance, more easily bounce back from setbacks, navigate change and adapt to evolving circumstances - critical factors in maintaining high performance over the long term.

Shaped by over 12 years coaching leaders as an HR professional and over 4 years coaching in somatic practices and mental wellness, the corporate group sessions I offer are tailored to corporate demands. Sessions provide practical tools to help participants avoid burnout, improve focus, and enhance emotional & mental wellness leading to increased productivity, better decision-making and a more harmonious workplace. 

What I’ve observed, and research is now proving, is that organizations that recognize the connection between employee well-being and business success can watch these initiatives become a key driver for sustained growth and high performance.

Their proficiency in doing so has significant impact on their ability to perform at their best, and research shows the correlation between resilient mental wellness and high performance.

Leaders with well-regulated nervous systems are better equipped to sustain energy and endurance, more easily bounce back from setbacks, navigate change and adapt to evolving circumstances - critical factors in maintaining high performance over
the long term.

Shaped by over 12 years coaching leaders as an HR professional and over 4 years coaching in somatic practices and mental wellness, the corporate group sessions I offer are tailored to corporate demands. Sessions provide practical tools to help participants avoid burnout, improve focus, and enhance emotional & mental wellness leading to increased productivity, better decision-making and a more harmonious workplace. 

What I’ve observed, and research is now proving, is that organizations that recognize the connection between employee well-being and business success can watch these initiatives become a key driver for sustained growth and high performance.

Today's leaders are tested daily in their abilities to manage stress, regulate their emotions and chemical balance and to deliver consistent cognitive functioning and effective decision making.

From individual to group and corporate sessions, each experience is customized to your unique needs and goals. 


Manage stress, increase resiliency, uplevel potential & results

Differentiate YOU from the rest of the pack by mastering the keys of Highly Effective Leaders - stress management and increased resiliency with high performance.
Maximize your leadership effectiveness and potential by modelling the behaviours most desired by the C-suite to breed sustainable results and peak performance.

Differentiate YOU from the rest of the pack by mastering the keys of Highly Effective Leaders - stress management and increased resiliency with high performance.

Maximize your leadership effectiveness and potential by modelling the behaviours most desired by the C-suite to breed sustainable results and peak performance.

lead the way

Your performance depends on it!

Your performance depends on it!

Employees who practice effective, controlled breathing demonstrate a 17% improvement in concentration and task effectiveness and a 15% improvement in overall work performance

Research indicates that roughly 95% of adult humans have developed a sub-optimal breath pattern, which contributes to challenges coping with change and managing stress.

Professionals practicing breath control techniques experience a 20% improvement in stamina and endurance in high-pressure work environments.

 Studies show that proper breathing increases oxygen intake by up to 30%, significantly improving cognitive function and mental clarity.

78% of employees experienced improved
emotional regulation at work with the implementation of breathing exercises.

Workplace stress can be reduced by 27% when mindful breathing practices are deployed.

~ James Nestor, Breathe

~Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine

~ The Journal of Applied Physiology

~American Institute of Stress

~The Journal of Occupational
Health Psychology

~ Harvard Business Review


Research shows that a person’s ability to manage their nervous system is a fundamental aspect of achieving optimal results in professional and personal life.