I read a quote this morning that spurred a memory. Something old, way older (I believe, than this beingness) … because, frankly it’s something I knew way before I could ‘know’ it.
As a young child, I was fascinated with National Geographic. Fascinated at ? 4 or 5 years old? The images that enchanted me the most were temples, ancient burial places, the hanging gardens of babylon, photos of Shaman and spiritual leaders of other cultures. My thought then was ‘how could all these other people in the world be wrong’?? That one religion was better than another simply because it’s the one we have, the one I was born into, that we follow, have chosen? Who is to say one of them is the right one?
Not many years later it seemed to me that all religions and spirituality are saying the same thing… and today, it feels like time for us to drop the facade of differentness, of better than, of righteousness.
Whether it’s religion or area of origin or borders… isn’t it damn time to grow up, to recognise ego when it has taken over, and to choose acceptance, compassion and love above all?